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Real Estate Appraisals

Market Studies 





Apartment Appraisers & Consultants is a niche commercial real estate appraisal and consulting firm. We specialize in analyzing existing and proposed multifamily properties throughout Colorado.

Since 1992, AA&C has analyzed over 2,700 apartment communities with almost 615,000 units and a value of nearly $42 billion. The average property size exceeds 200 units. Of the 100+ assignments completed each year, approximately half are market studies for proposed apartment communities.

Our firm can provide you with appraisals, market and feasibility studies, city or apartment market overviews, or comparable data for you to prepare your own analysis.

Detailed resumes, copies of state licenses, references, and a client list are available by request.


Our appraisal reports provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the apartment market as well as a thorough analysis and accurate estimate of your project's value. Our reports are relied upon by the largest lenders in the country. Individual projects appraised have exceeded 1,000 units and $200,000,000 in value.


Our market studies include a supply and demand analysis of the metropolitan area and the submarket in which your property is located. Our knowledge of projects that are under construction and proposed coupled with our database of all existing communities provides a thorough understanding of the upcoming competition for your community. Additional facets of our market studies can include recommending project unit mix and sizes, quality level, amenities, covered parking ratios, and estimating market rents. 


We provide consulting on an hourly basis to answer your individual questions. With access to a vast amount of apartment data, and experience from appraising thousands of communities, we can normally provide insights and understanding for your particular situation very quickly.




Apartment Insights is your source for comprehensive, property specific information including rents, vacancy, concessions, ownership, management, amenities, unit mix, photographs, maps, sales data, and construction information for every property over 50 units in the 7-county Denver area, the Fort Collins-Greeley area, and Colorado Springs. 

With this powerful web-based service, you can find properties by a variety of criteria, or define your own submarket and obtain average rents and vacancy by unit type, either gross or net of concessions. Find sales of apartments similar to your property and quickly calculate the average price per unit and per square foot. Review the construction report to see what new apartments are in the pipeline. 

The Statistics/Trends Report is a multiple page report, available separately from, but included in Apartment Insights, which includes tables for the current period's and three previous periods' rents, vacancies, inventory, absorption, and sales for each submarket and the metro area. The Statistics/Trends Summary comprises the first two pages of this report, and is available separately. The summary has the current periods' salient market statistics, plus our observations of the metro area's market activity. 

Prepared in conjunction with RealData, Inc., this service is also available in Phoenix, Tucson, Seattle, and Tacoma. Click here for more details about the products and subscriptions available.

To order customized reports, call 303-722-4222 with your criteria, or email them to us

Current subscribers Log in here





We can provide you with a variety of up to date information about the apartment market. Available information includes comparable rents, comparable expenses, apartment construction costs, absorption estimates, submarket inventory, and regional or apartment market overviews. We can also provide a list of apartment communities under construction in the Denver Metro Area or a list of probable starts. You may want to keep up with the market by subscribing to our quarterly newsletter. 

Click here for pricing.

If you do not see what you need on the list, just ask us! We may have it, or know where to get it. Keep in mind that our data is primarily for properties over 50 units in size.



Real estate taxes in Colorado are based upon the county assessor's estimate of market value, which is then multiplied by an assessment ratio and a mill levy. State tax laws favor residential properties (including apartments) over commercial properties by using a lower assessment ratio. While the commercial ratio is fixed at 29% of actual value, the residential ratio is adjusted every 2 years to prevent the statewide residential assessed value total from exceeding approximately 45% of total statewide assessed values. Amendment 1, passed in November 1992, essentially prevents mill levies from increasing without voter approval. In 2012, Denver voters approved ballot initiatives which increased the mill levy by 12 mills.

The tax assessment ratio for residential properties has declined in stages from 21% to the current level of 7.15% over the last 30+ years. Click here for a chart of historical assessment ratios.


Properties in Colorado are reassessed every 2 years. Sales from 2017 and the first half of 2018 were used to estimate the value as of January 1, 2019 and January 1, 2020 for taxes payable during 2020 and 2021. The assessor will use sales from 2019 and the first half of 2020 to estimate property value as of January 1, 2021 and January 1, 2022, for taxes payable during 2022 and 2023.





For bidding and detailed appraisal questions,

please contact Scott Rathbun.

1660 South Albion Street | Suite 1002 | Denver, CO 80222​

Email: (General Information)
Tel:  303-722-4222


© Apartment Appraisers & Consultants LLC

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